يمكنك حجز موعد بعيادة دكتورطارق تركى افضل عيادة لجراحه العظام والعناية بالقدم بطنطا ووسط الدلتا واتساب 00201556860926

What are the causes of knee pain?

What are the causes of knee pain?

Knee injuries are among the most common problems in adults, not just the elderly, because they may occur as a result of certain diseases or sometimes sports injuries, but fortunately now there are many options for treating all knee injuries, and most of them lead to satisfactory results for patients. In this article, we will talk about the causes of knee pain and how to treat it.

What are the causes of knee pain?

All people are susceptible to knee pain at any age, and these pains are usually the result of exertion and excessive pressure on the knee, such as standing for long periods, walking, or even sports, because athletes who run or bend greatly in exercises are the most vulnerable people to knee injuries. painful.

Knee pain can be caused by many things, including:

Knee ligament injury, sprained or strained muscles.

Cartilage rupture.



Weight gain.

What is the cause of sudden knee pain?

Many patients, when they feel sudden pain in the knee, do not deal with the pain as it may be due to a problem in the joint itself or an injury, because we believe that we must suffer a strong injury in order for it to affect the knee. But the fact is that the knee joint can be affected by minor shocks, because it is made up of many parts that may be tight, worn out, or even torn.

Among the causes of sudden pain in the knee:

Ligaments tear: Certain ligaments in the knee joint are more prone to tearing, such as the anterior cruciate ligament and the medial collateral ligament, which connect the bones above and below the kneecap. Among the patients most exposed to this type of rupture are athletes, and in many cases the patient can determine the timing of the rupture because it occurs due to violent or excessive movement during exercise. In other cases, the patient cannot know the cause of the rupture because it may have occurred due to a blow to the knee at a certain angle. Usually, when the injury occurs, the patient hears a popping sound in his knee, and then severe swelling appears with suffering from pain and difficulty in movement.

Osteoporosis: There are many cases where the sudden sensation of knee pain is caused by the onset of osteoporosis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and many people are at risk, such as the elderly, athletes, and people who do a lot of physical activity in their work, such as construction workers. But in this case, the pain does not appear suddenly, but increases gradually.

Bursitis: One of the components of the knee joint is a fluid-filled bursa. This bursa can become inflamed at any time. In this case, repeatedly bending the knee or bleeding into the bursa may lead to sudden onset of symptoms of bursitis, which include severe pain or swelling.

Meniscus injury: This injury is a cut and tear of the knee cartilage, and it occurs frequently as a result of a strong knee sprain. If the injury occurs to the patient, he may hear a popping sound and feel sudden pain, and the affected knee may become swollen, and the patient may feel unable to move the affected knee, and usually this condition occurs in only one knee of the two.

Gout: It occurs as a result of the accumulation of uric acid in the body, and this accumulation often occurs in the feet, but it can occur in the knees, and it is a condition that is more prevalent among middle-aged men and postmenopausal women, causing severe pain and swelling.

What are the causes of knee pain when bent?

These causes are usually a result of problems with the knee, such as:

Sprains or injuries to the ligaments.

Cartilage cut.

Arthritis or osteoporosis.

Runner's knee.


What is the treatment for knee pain?

Treatment always depends on the cause of the pain itself, and among the things that help treat knee pain:

Medications: In the event that the cause of the patient’s pain is rheumatoid arthritis or gout, the doctor may recommend certain medications to reduce the pain. In certain cases, the doctor may recommend injecting the knee directly with medications such as steroids, hyaluronic acid, or platelet-rich plasma.

Physiotherapy: The patient may need physical therapy sessions and strengthening exercises for the muscles surrounding the knee joint, which will lead to increased stability and thus an improvement in the condition. In the event that the patient is originally athletic, he may need different exercises to move the knee joint without feeling tired.

Surgery: The surgeon recommends surgery according to the benefits and harms that the patient may experience compared to non-surgical procedures. If surgery is an option, the patient may need to undergo one of the following surgeries: Arthroscopy or partial or total knee joint replacement.

In the end, the causes of knee pain are many, but the appropriate treatment is only after a proper diagnosis with a specialized orthopedist, and adherence to the doctor’s instructions is an essential key to treating knee pain, whatever its original cause.

Do not hesitate to visit DR TARIK TORKI CLINIC for treatmenany knee and foot problems to restore your normal activity to live a better lifestyle.

Read more about :
What are the causes and symptoms of knee osteoarthritis?

احجز الان فى افضل عيادة لجراحة العظام والقدم السكرى فى طنطا ووسط الدلتا


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كلمات البحث :

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استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى بطنطا ووسط الدلتا

عنوان العيادة

طنطا – مقابل البوابة الجانبية لعيادات على ابن ابى طالب للتامين الصحى بشارع البحر ( المجمع الطبى )  – شارع انور من البحر – فوق مركز الخير للاشعة – الدور الرابع – اخر عيادة ناحية اليسار اول ماتخرج من الاسانسير ( العمارة بها 2 اسانسير )

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دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
بواسطة : دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى خبرة اكثر من 25 سنة فى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحى العظام عضو جمعية السيركى للقدم السكرى

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