يمكنك حجز موعد بعيادة دكتورطارق تركى افضل عيادة لجراحه العظام والعناية بالقدم بطنطا ووسط الدلتا واتساب 00201556860926

Learn how to dissolve a Calcaneal Spur

Learn how to dissolve a Calcaneal Spur

Calcaneal Spur is a common term that occurs in the area below the heel of the foot, and the Calcaneal Spur causes pain at the heel, especially after performing exercise or after long rest periods, but this pain soon subsides after a short period of walking, and the pain may continue for long periods and the patient becomes unable to walk. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to resort to melting the Calcaneal Spur by going to the doctor.

The doctor will do tests and procedures to find out the appropriate correct diagnosis, and the doctor will ask the patient to take x-rays to confirm the presence of the Calcaneal Spur or not. The Calcaneal Spur and taking the treatment method that suits the patient. In this article, information about the Calcaneal Spur will be provided, what causes its appearance, how to dissolve the Calcaneal Spur, and what are the sufficient preventive measures to prevent its appearance.

What is a Calcaneal Spur?

The Calcaneal Spur is a bony protrusion that grows towards the bones at the side of the joints. The Calcaneal Spur often arises towards the joints that have suffered from osteoporosis, causing pain in these joints. This spinal bone may grow in the neck, shoulder, knee, lower back, and at the heel of the foot.

The Calcaneal Spur may cause a group of pain that may disappear on its own or may last for a long time, and in this case it is necessary to intervene to search for its treatment, and the Calcaneal Spur can be eliminated through surgical intervention and to learn more information about this surgical intervention and all the methods used to dissolve Calcaneal Spur Continue reading this article.

What are the causes of a Calcaneal Spur?

There are many reasons that lead to the appearance of a Calcaneal Spur in the heel of the foot, including the following:

The main reason that leads to the formation of a Calcaneal Spur is osteoporosis and arthritis.

Weight gain and increased pressure on the heel of the foot can lead to the appearance of the spinal bone.

Ill-fitting and non-medical shoes such as flip-flops can also lead to the appearance of a spinous bone in the heel of the foot.

Excessive running and jumping sports and doing them on hard surfaces may lead to the appearance of a bump in the heel.

There are some things that can be done when dealing with a Calcaneal Spur, which the attending physician recommends after determining the extent of the development of the Calcaneal Spur, which may be either the intervention of a physicist, which includes:

Perform some exercises, especially stretching exercises.

Changing unsuitable shoes and adding silicone shoe insoles from the inside.

But if the physical intervention does not lead to getting rid of the Calcaneal Spur, then in this case it is possible to rely on taking a group of medications, but this is done by consulting a specialized doctor, and the best way to deal with the Calcaneal Spur is surgical intervention.

What is the treatment for a Calcaneal Spur?

In the case of treating a Calcaneal Spur, non-surgical methods are first used, but these methods do not remove this Calcaneal Spur, but they relieve pain. These methods include the following:

Treatment by using cortisone injection in the heel of the foot to relieve pain.

Shock wave therapy where these waves are focused on the area of pain.

Go to a physiotherapist to develop an appropriate rehabilitation plan to help strengthen the foot muscles.

Take some medications that reduce pain and swelling, such as ibuprofen, or use cortisone injections.

In the event that these methods do not succeed in getting rid of the Calcaneal Spur, surgical interventions can be resorted to, which guarantee the removal of the heel bump permanently.

How is the bone thorn dissolved?

The Calcaneal Spur can be dissolved in several ways, including:

Treatment using shock waves or acupuncture.

Using ice, the Calcaneal Spur can also be melted by making ice packs and placing them on the heel of the foot for 10 minutes each time.

Exercises where many exercises can be performed, including stretching exercises to tighten the foot and tighten the toe, and these exercises are determined by the physiotherapist.

Take a group of vitamins and nutritional supplements, as the Calcaneal Spur often arises as a result of calcium deficiency, so it is necessary to take vitamins that raise the level of calcium in the body.

It is necessary to buy suitable shoes that are used to dissolve the Calcaneal Spur, which are prescribed by the specialist doctor, and choose flexible cushioned shoes that allow movement, and stay away from tight shoes.

Massage therapy, where the physiotherapist massages the muscles in the foot, stimulates blood circulation, and also works to relax the muscles of the foot, and then leads to reducing pressure on the heel.

What are the symptoms of dissolving the Calcaneal Spur?

Once the process of dissolving the Calcaneal Spur is completed, the patient can return to his home on the same day, and he will be able to carry out his normal daily activities and routines and go to work in a few days only, but it is also expected that after dissolving the Calcaneal Spur, the patient will feel some pain in the heel of the foot, and he may also feel The patient has small pulsations and a burning sensation on his skin, and this will disappear on its own after a while, or by taking the analgesic medications prescribed by the doctor.

Therefore, it is necessary to avoid walking on the foot immediately after the operation and to avoid difficult sports activities that require effort and high pressure on the heel of the foot, such as running or jumping. In case of feeling pain, it is possible to take any of the pain-relieving medications such as paracetamol.

How dangerous is the Calcaneal Spur melt?

There are many side effects when performing the Calcaneal Spur dissolving procedure, which are divided into minor side effects that quickly disappear within a week, such as:

The presence of redness in the heel of the foot, swelling, mild pain, and a feeling of tingling and numbness in the Calcaneal Spur area.

Small blood vessels may also bleed, leading to superficial bruising in the heel area

There are also side effects that may last for long periods, but these effects are rare, such as:

A cut in the tendon or ligament in the foot, and tissue damage may also occur.

What are the prevention tips for Calcaneal Spur?

There are some tips that help prevent Calcaneal Spur, which are as follows:

A suitable shoe must be worn to secure the foot firmly.

The need to stay away from shoes that have high heels.

Shock-absorbing shoes that have a supportive heel must be worn.

The foot must be placed in the correct position, as this helps in strengthening both the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

It is necessary to warm up before starting sports and cool down after sports, including slow sports as well as continuous sports.

It is necessary to install devices to strengthen the muscles, which depend on adding fillings to the shoes, and this helps to strengthen the foot in the long run as well. 

Read more about :

Treatment of Calcaneal Spur at home
How is a Calcaneal Spur treated, and what are its causes?
What do you know about Planter Fascitis ?
Learn how to dissolve a Calcaneal Spur

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كلمات البحث :

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طنطا – مقابل البوابة الجانبية لعيادات على ابن ابى طالب للتامين الصحى بشارع البحر ( المجمع الطبى )  – شارع انور من البحر – فوق مركز الخير للاشعة – الدور الرابع – اخر عيادة ناحية اليسار اول ماتخرج من الاسانسير ( العمارة بها 2 اسانسير )

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دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
بواسطة : دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى خبرة اكثر من 25 سنة فى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحى العظام عضو جمعية السيركى للقدم السكرى

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