يمكنك حجز موعد بعيادة دكتورطارق تركى افضل عيادة لجراحه العظام والعناية بالقدم بطنطا ووسط الدلتا واتساب 00201556860926

How does vitamin D deficiency affect the body?

How does vitamin D deficiency affect the body?

Of the 13 essential vitamins, vitamin D may be one of the most unique.

It is one of the few vitamins that your body can produce on its own. Well, almost by itself. It needs a little help from the sun - which is why it's often referred to as the sunshine vitamin. You can also get vitamin D through your diet.

But you may feel the effects of low vitamin D. When you don't make it or get enough of it,

Vitamin D deficiency has become increasingly common over the past decade or so. This is worrisome because a deficiency in vitamin D can have lasting effects on a person's health and wellness, says Dr. Donald Brown, a primary care practitioner at Houston Methodist.

If left untreated, vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in adults, rickets in children, and adverse outcomes in pregnant women. It may also be linked to heart disease, diabetes and cancer - although more study is needed on this topic.

And while a little sunshine may seem like a simple answer to making sure you get enough vitamin D each day, be careful. It's a little more complicated than that.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D plays many important roles in your body, including helping to:

Maintaining strong bones and teeth

Promote proper muscle function

Facilitate communication between your mind and body

Fight infection

Given these important responsibilities, it's no wonder that a vitamin D deficiency can lead to health consequences, adds Dr. Brown.

However, he also notes that immediate signs may not always be noticed in adults, until the deficiency becomes severe.

Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency can include:


Muscle weakness and/or pain

Joint pain


If you notice these signs, talk to your doctor, who can use a blood test to assess your vitamin D levels and advise whether you may be deficient and may need to take a supplement, recommends Dr. Brown. In fact, regardless of whether or not you experience these symptoms, your doctor will check your vitamin D levels annually.

Why does vitamin D deficiency occur?

There are several reasons for low vitamin D levels in an adult, including:

Aging - The skin's ability to produce vitamin D decreases over time

Lack of sun exposure - Your body only produces vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight

Having darker skin - Skin tone affects the amount of vitamin D that is released during sun exposure, as lighter skin makes it easier to produce the vitamin than darker skin.

Vitamin D deficiency in the diet - although very few foods contain vitamin D naturally, many are fortified

Health conditions that affect how well the body absorbs or processes vitamin D, including Crohn's disease, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, cystic fibrosis, obesity, and chronic kidney or liver disease

Certain medications and medical procedures, such as laxatives, steroids, and medications taken to treat high cholesterol, seizures or tuberculosis, as well as gastric bypass surgery

Addressing low vitamin D levels is important, but doing so requires working with your doctor to develop an effective and safe treatment plan. While reducing sun exposure can be a source of low vitamin D levels, increasing sun exposure is not recommended as a source of vitamin D as this can increase the risk of skin cancer.

In addition, he points out that getting too much vitamin D can also be bad for your health.

Is it possible to reverse the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

The good news is that vitamin D deficiency can be treated — with the guidance of your doctor

The goal is to return vitamin D levels to normal and maintain them. What it takes to do this varies from person to person, and your doctor will use the lab results to provide a plan that works best for you.

One way to raise your levels is to eat foods rich in vitamin D, including:

Trout, salmon, tuna and mackerel

Foods fortified with vitamin D, including milk, some types of orange juice, and yogurt

Mushrooms, cheese and egg yolks, although these foods contain small amounts

In some cases, your doctor may recommend taking a vitamin D supplement. What is the best vitamin D supplement to take? Well, this varies.

Vitamin D is included in most multivitamins, but there are also supplements that contain only (or mainly) vitamin D. There are two types of vitamin D found in supplements, D2 and D3. Vitamin D3 supplements can be found without a prescription, while vitamin D2 supplements require a prescription. Your doctor will help you understand what is right for you, says Dr. Brown

Most importantly, talk to your doctor before taking a vitamin D supplement or any dietary supplement.

You can overdo it on vitamin D, with side effects ranging from nausea, constipation, and increased thirst and urination, to confusion and slurred speech, warns Dr. Brown And while you can't get too much vitamin D from the sun, don't try to increase your sun exposure as a way to self-control a vitamin D deficiency, as this can increase your risk of skin cancer. 

Read more about :
How does vitamin D deficiency affect the body?
What are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency?
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency? How is it compensated?

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كلمات البحث :

vitamin d deficiency,vitamin d deficiency symptoms,vitamin d,signs of vitamin d deficiency,vitamin d benefits,vitamin d deficiency treatment,symptoms of vitamin d deficiency,vitamin d deficiency causes,vitamin d deficiency signs,vitamin deficiency,low vitamin d,vitamin d3,vitamin d deficiency bones,vitamin d deficiency clinical features,vitamin d deficiency recovery,vitamin d deficiency diagnosis,how vitamin d deficiency affects the body


مع تمنياتنا للجميع بالصحة والعافية

دكتور طارق تركى

استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى بطنطا ووسط الدلتا

عنوان العيادة

طنطا – مقابل البوابة الجانبية لعيادات على ابن ابى طالب للتامين الصحى بشارع البحر ( المجمع الطبى )  – شارع انور من البحر – فوق مركز الخير للاشعة – الدور الرابع – اخر عيادة ناحية اليسار اول ماتخرج من الاسانسير ( العمارة بها 2 اسانسير )

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 نتمنى للجميع الصحة والعافية 

دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
بواسطة : دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى خبرة اكثر من 25 سنة فى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحى العظام عضو جمعية السيركى للقدم السكرى

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