يمكنك حجز موعد بعيادة دكتورطارق تركى افضل عيادة لجراحه العظام والعناية بالقدم بطنطا ووسط الدلتا واتساب 00201556860926

How can knee osteoarthritis be treated?

How can knee osteoarthritis be treated?

Some people feel knee pain at some point in their lives, which may be caused by many conditions, the most famous of which is knee osteoarthritis, and the pain usually increases in the event of more physical effort. Most people resort to using some pain-relieving creams or tablets to relieve symptoms, but the situation can worsen if treatment is neglected, so we will talk in this article about treating knee roughness, whether with oils, medications, or other methods.

knee osteoarthritis treatment

knee osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, as the joints go through their natural cycle between repair and damage, but some changes may occur during the repair process, whether in the shape or structure of the joint, which causes arthritis.

knee osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage is eroded either as a result of age, or as a result of other factors, which causes the bones to rub against each other and in turn causes the patient to feel pain.

Treatments work to reduce the pain caused by this condition, and help the patient move his knee better, as it is a condition that cannot be treated permanently, but only to stop its development.

Treatment modalities are classified as follows:

Non-drug treatments.

Medicinal treatment.

Surgical treatment.

Non-drug treatments

Many factors cause the development of knee osteoarthritis, for example, excess weight contributes to an increase in the possibility of knee osteoarthritis, as well as exposure to constant pressure on the joint and advancing age.

Therefore, some methods and home remedies help reduce pain and improve joint movement, including:

applying heat or ice; To reduce swelling and pain.

Lose weight to reduce pressure on the knees.

Exercising, such as walking, swimming, or cycling.

Use crutches or knee braces to support movement of the joint.

physical therapy experience; To increase joint strength and expand its range of motion.

Using topical creams containing menthol, camphor, or capsaicin.


Many medications are available to help relieve the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, such as:

Oral medications and creams containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

paracetamol-containing treatments; to relieve pain.

Long-acting steroid injections, which help reduce inflammation and relieve pain, can be taken three or four times a year.

Lubrication injections, such as: hyaluronic acid, to improve joint movement.

Surgical treatment

The doctor decides to resort to surgical treatment if the previous solutions did not work, and knee osteoarthritis surgeries include the following:

Knee arthroscopy: Although it is not recommended, it provides comfort to the patient after removing the bony spurs.

Cartilage graft: This solution provides an ideal option for younger patients, as healthy cartilage is used to fill wear in injured cartilage.

Arthroplasty: by total or partial replacement of the knee joint with metal or plastic parts; to restore its movement.

Knee Osteotomy: If one side of the joint is damaged, either the tibia or thigh bones are cut and then reshaped; To take weight off the damaged side of the joint.

knee osteoarthritis treatment drugs

Choosing the appropriate treatment depends on the stage reached by the knee osteoarthritis patient, and the stages are divided into:

null phase

This stage is classified as normal, as no signs or symptoms of knee osteoarthritis appear, and the person does not need to take any medications.

The first stage

At this stage, small bone spurs begin to appear, which is a bony growth that develops until the bones meet each other in the joint, and a slight loss of cartilage may occur, but it is not sufficient to reduce the joint space.

It does not require drug treatment at this stage, but if the patient has a susceptibility to knee osteoarthritis, the doctor may recommend starting routine exercises to help relieve any minor symptoms and try to slow down the knee osteoarthritis.

The second stage

This stage is one of the mild stages of knee osteoarthritis, and x-rays reveal larger growths in the bony bumps, but the cartilage is still in its normal state and size, and the distance between the bones is the same, so there is no friction between the bones, and the synovial fluid is present in sufficient quantity to provide normal movement for the joint.

Symptoms begin to appear at this stage, such as:

Pain after running or walking for a long time.

Stiffness in the joint when moving it for a long time.

Pain when kneeling or bending over.

Early detection of the condition helps to develop a plan to prevent it from deteriorating, as many non-drug treatments mainly contribute to relieving symptoms, and there is no need to take medications at this stage.

It is important at this stage to lose weight, exercise, and avoid movements that cause knee pain, such as kneeling. Analgesic medications can also be taken in the event of pain, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol.

third stage

The third stage of knee osteoarthritis is classified as moderate, and obvious damage appears in the cartilage and the space between the bones begins to narrow, and the patient is likely to suffer from the following symptoms:

Frequent pain when walking, bending or kneeling.

Joint stiffness after sitting for long periods or getting up in the morning.

Joint swelling after prolonged movement.

Among the most important treatments used at this stage are the following:

Glucocorticoid injections: At this stage, the doctor recommends steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs if other analgesics do not work. Glucocorticoids are one of the types of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as cortisone, which is injected into the joint. To relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Other types of NSAIDs include hydrocortisone and prednisolone, and injections can be repeated in two or three months.

Research shows that long-term use of these therapies can lead to increased joint damage. Therefore, the condition should be followed up carefully with the doctor.

Pain relievers: Affected people continue to take painkillers, such as: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetaminophen, in addition to losing weight and exercising. In the event that the previous analgesics did not work, the doctor can resort to a stronger class of analgesics, such as tramadol, but it is not recommended for prolonged use due to it being a narcotic.

The fourth stage

This stage of knee osteoarthritis is late and severe symptoms, as the patient suffers from severe pain when walking or moving the joint; due to the large reduction in its area.

The synovial fluid is greatly reduced, the cartilage is completely worn out, so the friction between the bones is greatly increased.

Surgery is the only treatment available at this stage, and includes the following:

Orthopedic surgery.

Total knee joint replacement.

knee osteoarthritis treatment with oils

knee osteoarthritis can be treated using some oils that have proven effective in relieving symptoms, such as:

Lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil has astringent properties that help drain excess fluids from body tissues; Thus reducing swelling and inflammation and improving joint mobility.

Lavender oil

Lavender is known to reduce stress and anxiety, but this is not the only benefit of lavender, it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Camphor essential oil

Camphor oil relieves joint and muscle pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, so it is a great choice for people who suffer from inflammation or joint pain.

Ginger essential oil

Ginger essential oil helps reduce inflammation and stiffness in muscles and joints.

knee osteoarthritis exercises

The joint needs to exercise constantly, especially in the event of knee osteoarthritis, and although excessive movement may increase joint pain, moderate exercise helps to strengthen the muscles around the knee and lose weight.

The physiotherapist recommends exercising in the pool; Which helps the muscles work better, and reduce stress on the knee, what is known as hydrotherapy.

Movement exercises

Movement exercises help maintain the flexibility of the joints, such as stretching while making sure that the joint moves.

Strengthening exercises

This type of exercise contributes to improving muscle strength around the knee and protecting the joint. It also reduces the risk of falling while walking because it strengthens the knee, such as squats and push-ups.

Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises include sports that increase the burning rate and increase the heart rate. They are beneficial for general health and stimulate the secretion of pain-relieving endorphins. They also help regulate sleep better, such as cycling, swimming and walking.

In conclusion, knee osteoarthritis occurs naturally with age, and some other factors contribute to its occurrence, and its treatment depends on the stage that the patient is going through and the symptoms appearing on him, weight loss and exercise also help reduce pain, improve joint movement, and it is important to consult a doctor immediately upon feeling With pain or friction in the bones, as early detection of the condition contributes to the possibility of developing an appropriate treatment plan to relieve pain and prevent aggravation of the condition. 

 Read more about :

What are the causes and symptoms of knee osteoarthritis?
What are the causes of knee pain

احجز الان فى افضل عيادة لجراحة العظام والقدم السكرى فى طنطا ووسط الدلتا


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كلمات البحث :

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دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
بواسطة : دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى خبرة اكثر من 25 سنة فى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحى العظام عضو جمعية السيركى للقدم السكرى

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