يمكنك حجز موعد بعيادة دكتورطارق تركى افضل عيادة لجراحه العظام والعناية بالقدم بطنطا ووسط الدلتا واتساب 00201556860926

Treatment of Calcaneal Spur at home

Treatment of Calcaneal Spur at home

Heel spur is deposits of calcium found on the bones where the joints meet, and it is formed due to the erosion of the joint cartilage with days, which calls for the body to form this bone fork in an attempt to compensate for the eroded cartilage, and in this article we will talk more about treatment The bone fork at home.
Ways to treat bone thorns at home

There are a number of ways to treat a bone spurs at home, such as:

1. Cold water compresses

Cold water compresses are among the things that may help relieve the inflammation associated with the bone thorn.
They can be used by wrapping an ice pack with a piece of cloth and placing it in the place of the bone thorn, and doing this every hour during waking hours.

2. The right shoe

Talking about the treatment of the bone thorn at home leads us to talk about one of these solutions, which is the shoe in the event that the bone thorn appears in the foot, where it is necessary to choose the appropriate shoe that has specific specifications, such as:

     Heel: The heel must be firm to prevent the foot from slipping.
     Medium flexibility: The shoe should not be very flexible, but it is preferable to have some flexibility with some resistance in case the foot is twisted, so a medium elastic shoe is the best.
     A slightly raised heel: such a heel helps relieve pressure on the heel, which is where the bone fork appears.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also one of the things that may help treat a bone thorn at home, as it may help dissolve the calcium deposits that make up the bone thorn.
It can be used by soaking the foot in a bowl of warm water mixed with some points of apple cider vinegar, or by wrapping a piece of cloth soaked in some apple cider vinegar in the place of the bone thorn for a few minutes.

4. Baking soda

It is believed that baking soda may help in many things, such as: teeth whitening, and it may also help treat the bone thorn by dissolving the calcium deposits that make up this thorn.
It can be used by dissolving half a spoonful of baking soda with a little water and placing this mixture on the bone fork.

5. Medicines

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve the pain associated with the bone thorn, such as: ibuprofen and aspirin, provided that they are not used if the person suffers from kidney disease or from stomach bleeding or ulcers. 
Surgical treatment of bone spurs
After finishing talking about the treatment of the bone thorn at home, we will move on to talking about its surgical treatment, which is the solution that the doctor does not resort to unless all other solutions have been exhausted, which is done by removing the bone thorn using a surgical tool.
However, nerve damage may be associated with this surgery, and surgery does not prevent the re-emergence of the bone fork.
In the event that it is performed, the person needs several weeks to be able to walk normally again in the event that the bone thorn appears in the foot.
How can bone spurs be prevented?

Talking about ways to treat a bone thorn at home and surgically leads us to talk about some methods that may help in prevention, such as:

     Lose weight if you are overweight.
     Do warm-up exercises before starting any exercise.
     Do stretching exercises. 

Read more about :

Treatment of Calcaneal Spur at home
How is a Calcaneal Spur treated, and what are its causes?
What do you know about Planter Fascitis ?
Learn how to dissolve a Calcaneal Spur

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استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى بطنطا ووسط الدلتا

عنوان العيادة

طنطا – مقابل البوابة الجانبية لعيادات على ابن ابى طالب للتامين الصحى بشارع البحر ( المجمع الطبى )  – شارع انور من البحر – فوق مركز الخير للاشعة – الدور الرابع – اخر عيادة ناحية اليسار اول ماتخرج من الاسانسير ( العمارة بها 2 اسانسير )

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دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
بواسطة : دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى
دكتور طارق تركى استشارى جراحة العظام والعناية بالقدم والقدم السكرى خبرة اكثر من 25 سنة فى جراحة العظام والقدم السكرى عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحى العظام عضو جمعية السيركى للقدم السكرى

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